Select any date highlighted in orange from the calendar at right to see available visit options.

Schedule a campus tour or information session: Year Round
For prospective, admitted & enrolling students: Join us for a 45-minute group information session covering topics such as academics, campus life, as well as the application and onboarding process OR, if you are a high school senior, you can elect to have a one-on-one meeting with an admission representative. One-hour campus tours are available year-round, Monday through Friday.

Schedule a personalized visit: Sept.–May
For high school seniors and transfer students: During the academic year, high school seniors have the opportunity to build a personalized visit schedule. Your itinerary can include (but is not limited to) meeting with a faculty member, attending a class in your academic area of interest, eating lunch in our Evert Dining Room with a current student, or meeting with a coach or other member of the SU community. Personalized Visits will be available beginning Monday, September 9, 2024. 

Overnight visits: Feb.–April
For admitted and enrolling students: Spend an evening on campus with a student host. The following day, meet with a faculty member, attend a class in your academic area of interest, eat lunch in our Evert Dining Room with a current student, meet with a coach and more. Overnight visits are available Thursday into Friday and Sunday into Monday.

Campus Visit Grant Opportunity
For High School Seniors (Entering Fall 2025): Visit campus between March 1 and Nov. 23, 2024 and earn a $1,000 Visit Grant — $4,000 over four years. All prospective or admitted members of the Class of 2029 who attend an official, in-person visit through the Admission Office between these dates are eligible.* This includes all on-campus Admission EventsSummer Pre-College Programs and Daily Campus Visits. This grant will be automatically awarded in addition to any other merit or need-based financial aid for which you might qualify. 

*Students who are awarded Tuition Exchange or Tuition Remission are not eligible.

Visits for Counselors, Alumni, Relatives and other friends of SU: Year Round

Are you a high school or independent counselor looking to visit campus? A Susquehanna alum interested in returning for a tour? A friend of the University travelling without prospective students? Email us at visit@susqu.edu to register for a guest visit.

Unavailable / Filled
Not Scheduled